Big In Nagasaki

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Still Kickin'

It's been ages.

I'm sorry to have left you alone for so long.

It's been a little over a month since I posted last. I've been through a bit over the last five weeks. Tom and I took SE Asia by storm and rocked the pants off everyone in our path. Of course, I want to post some pictures of the trip--and I will--but I'm trying to get my head on straight after having moved back to Colorado. I think it might take me a little while.

I've been home for a week and I've been catching up with friends and seeing cherished spots around town and in the mountains. The food's also pretty good. I missed turkey sandwiches.

Besides getting readjusted, I've also been working on getting myself ready for grad school. I start next week and it's freaking me out. I've been to the campus, and I have a meeting on Tuesday with my advisor to discuss stuff. The only thing I'm still trying to figure out is how to pay for my "bling bling" lifestyle consisting of communication books and parking permits.
In other news: I bought a snowboard and bindings today! Here are some pictures. This purchase makes me happy and I'm very much looking forward to getting up in the mountains this winter. All I need now is some snow.

Isn't it cute?

I might change my blog again. I'm no longer in Nagasaki, so maybe I need to become "Big In Denver". I'll let you know.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey dude! Good to hear you're still on the go and had fun in SE Asia. Guess where I am right now? The U.S! No, seriously! E-mail me your new address when you get the chance. I started a mega leter to you but it's going to be way out of date so I'll re-jig and get you a new one. In others news if you need to talk or rant about the culture shck / re-adjustment - you know where to find me!

8:15 PM  

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