Never Enough Time
I'm still kicking.
An intense game of Pictionary at Ameila's house.
Tom visits. Beers at the Front Range Inn.
I'm still kicking.
An intense game of Pictionary at Ameila's house.
Tom visits. Beers at the Front Range Inn.
Having dinner next to the Mekong in Laos.
Taking the slow boat down the Mekong. We crossed the Thai/Lao border and took a two-day boat ride down the river into Luang Prabang, Laos.
The town where we stayed to split up the boat ride.
Here's the view from outside our bungalow. We stayed at a place called Thong Bay. It was probably my favorite accommodation of the whole trip.
We flew Vietnam Airlines from Luang Prabang to Hanoi.
Coconuts on a moto bike.
I've got many, many, many more photos, but I don't have time to post them now. I think I'll have to leave it at that for the moment. I don't have any pictures up of Thailand yet. I promise them in the second edition of photos.
It's been ages.
Isn't it cute?
I might change my blog again. I'm no longer in Nagasaki, so maybe I need to become "Big In Denver". I'll let you know.
I'm booked solid. I've got parities every day this week. Tonight I'll be having dinner with two teachers from school. Tomorrow night, I'm having my going away party, which all the teachers are invited to. The next night, I'll be having yaki nikku (grilled meat) with a few friends on Dejima Warf, and Friday, I leave for Fukuoka and my amazing South East Asian Adventure.
Last weekend, Mrs. Yamamoto and Mrs. Hamoka took me out to lunch at a bistro overlooking the river and close to the famous "Megane Bashi" (spectacles bridge). The food was delicious and they also gave me a gift of Japanese pottery.