Big In Nagasaki

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Civilian Arrest!

Yesterday at the pep rally for the upcoming sports festival, before giving his speech, the principal of our school asked three boys to stand up in front of everyone to receive a round of applause. Two of the three seniors belong to the tennis team and one belongs to the basketball team. I couldn't understand what the principal had said, but heard something about Nagasaki city buses. I was sitting next to the American b-ball coach at the time and he filled me in on the gossip. Apparently, sometime in the last month, these boys were riding the bus to or from school when some pervert started molesting a sleeping female passenger! They helped to catch the guy.

I am really impressed with those students for speaking up. I think it's awesome that they did what they did, and I think it's awesome that the principal gave them credit for their actions in front of the whole school. In a society where problems like these are often not talked about, I thought that, the principal sent a clear message to the students about how to become model citizens.

Monday, May 28, 2007

I am bad! And when I say "bad", I mean awesome!

I earned my black belt in judo over the weekend! Go me!

Even though I didn't win one of my five matches (against JHS students! -- Hey, they were GOOD! And, they've been practicing judo a lot longer than me and they were on steroids.... well, maybe not the 'roids, but!) the judges decided to award me with the honor of a kurobi because I have "fighting spirit."

I'm psyched (and still hurting--you should see all the bruises!).

I've been super busy at school. This is a very strange, strange occurrence. I haven't been busy at work in a long time. I've been going to classes with the freshmen and seniors. I'll have a lecture with the students in the middle next month. Also, I've been teaching environmental issues (in English) to two classes of seniors. I'm having them research energy sources and write a paper on them. Then, they'll have to present their findings.

I've also gotten all jazzed about the amount of PLASTIC that is created/used in the world and the fact that it can never be destroyed without disastrous effects to the environment. Think about all those plastic bags that you tote your groceries home in from the store! The chip bags! The wrapping around beef, chicken, fish! The Styrofoam containers displaying your tomatoes! It's never ending. The next time you go to the store, try to buy all of your groceries without buying plastic. You can't. Where does it go when it's been used? According to this article in Best Life Magazine, it goes into the ocean. Read it. It'll change your world view.
( )

Things are going to be hectic for me from now until the end of my contract in late July. The next big thing is the all-prefectures sport's competition. We're having an enkai (banquet) tomorrow night to support and encourage our teachers (coaches). It's a really big deal and it also marks the end of extra curricular activities for the seniors. After this week, they'll be given extra classes in the mornings and afternoons so they can study more and get into good colleges.

We won't be back to semi-normal programming until next week on Wednesday.

Also, this weekend, T-diddy's mom and bro are gonna be in town. Dinner plans are on the agenda.

In mid June, I've got two English camps in the same week. The weekend following that, I'll be meeting with the female teachers from Ojika for a farewell party. The following weekend I'm going out to Kamigoto to visit friends and show T-diddy how beautiful the Gotos are. After that, I'll be home for Amelia and Gustavo's wedding.

I get back to Japan on the 10th of July and end my contract on the 25th. I've got lots of parties and plans already scheduled for those last two weeks. It's going to go by in the blink of my eye. I hate when things get so busy that I can't actually enjoy them.

That's my update. Steen! Steen! Steen!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Watashi no yume wo miteimasu ka?

I am wicked tired today. I'm having one of those mornings that is accompanied with a headache and what feels like jet lag. Weird.

I've been going hard-core this week with judo. I've got a test next Saturday and Yoshida-sensei has scolded me several times. He's making me practice everyday. I'm OK with that, but it's really making me tired. The other side effect I've noticed has been really vivid, strange dreams.

Last night I dreamed that I was with a small group of people (I don't remember who was with me, but I know I wasn't alone.) in a developing foreign country. We were walking through what I imagined to be farmland with a fair share of marshes mixed in. We were told to be careful of the hippos. If we scared them, they'd chase us down and chomp on us with their big jaws. Even though we tried our hardest, we did upset the beasts and that started a long and sweaty chase scene in my head. I remember being stuck at a fork in the road, and I was determined to take the high path, even though it lead to a thicket of Dorian trees (which I had on good authority to know that hippos adore the stinky fruit). We finally found respite in a rickety shack that was trying to play it cool and pass of a cafe atmosphere. Just as my crew and I settled in and ordered some fruity drinks, two young women walked in and sat at a table. The TV happened to be on and showing mug shots of the women. They were wanted for murder. It became obvious that we saw the pictures, and them and they weren't happy about that. That event started another chase, and stressed me out about having to go back into hippo territory. The dream finally ended when someone I was with found the skin of one of the ladies' murder victim under a rock in the ocean close to where we were swimming.

Random, right?

The night before I dreamed I was leaving Japan, but heading for Papa New Guinea and I hadn't told anyone at home in Colorado that I was going. I was starting a new project out there and it would keep me away from home for two years or more.

The night before that I dreamed I was in a horrible fight with a friend from here. We were physically beating on each other in a handful of public places and I remember really, really trying hard to hurt her. We only made up when we saw someone we both knew and have a joke about. He was wearing really tight pants in my dream. That is the joke.

I don't know why I'm having these dreams, nor do I know why I am able to remember them with such detail. All I know is that they are adding to my fatigue. But, the test will be over in a week and I'll go back to my twice-a-week routine. I bet the freaky dreams will curtail too.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Two Kilograms

The vacation was a success. I gained two kilograms over the break. It was all the pig's ears. They are just soooooo good.

I am saddened to report that my camera is officially broken, so I've no glorious photos of Okinawa to share with you. That makes me very sad.

I didn't find Okinawa to be very different from mainland Japan. More people were wearing flip flops and hemp bracelets though.

The highlights were:

--A trip to Shuri Castle.
--My day in Kouri-jima. (A very vacation-y vacation spot.)
--Being invited into a grannies house for home made potato mochi. (I was told that I should hurry and have kids. Apparently the older I become, the more difficult having kids is.)
--The beach.
--Sunshine and warmth.
--Lion statues on the gates to every courtyard.

I've been back at work since Monday. I've been very busy planning my next trip.

So, how's by you?