I've returned safe and sound to my little corner of the world and my apartment was just how I left it (except for being even more humid and smelling even more strongly of tatami mats than when I left it). I always expect big surprises when I get back from traveling. I don't know what I think is going to be lurking behind my front door when I get home, but I've never found anything interesting enough to live up to the mysterious lumps of wriggling mass that my imagination thinks I'm going to find on the kitchen floor. The only semi-interesting thing I discovered on Tuesday night was a message on my machine from a random Japanese dude. I listened to it once and haven't bothered with it since.
The week went by fast. With all the wedding events and the 4th of July stuck in the middle, my time home passed like a flash. Amelia and Gustavo's wedding was a crazy-good time, just as was expected. Here, my friends, are some photos of the week:

Jodi and Pui planned an awesome batchelorette party for Amelia the weekend before the wedding. We started at Ceramics in the City where we had brunch and each painted a piece of pottery. (From left to right: Jodi, Pui, Amelia, Shelly and Tara)

Amelia, Me and Piper

After painting pottery, the crew moved onto a wine and cigar shop near 16th Street Mall to sample some of Colorado's reds and whites. Pui and Jodi presented us all with a bottle before our departure and the very friendly and wonderful owner of the establishment ran out and got Amelia a rose. (Actually, he ran out to get his wife a bouquet, but also included Amelia!)

Our next stop was the roof-top pool at the hotel.

After soaking up sun at the pool, we went to Wahoo's Fish Tacos for dinner and then hit a few night clubs in downtown Denver. We called it a night around 1 or 2 and headed back to the hotel--some of us in better shape than the others.

The middle of the wedding week was split down the middle by the 4th of July. Mom and Pop Carmin put together a BBQ in the backyard. Family and friends came over for that down-home, American cooking: hamburgers, hot dogs, brats and potato salad.

Mark (my cousin Sue's husband) and Uncle Tony.
Cousin Sue and Pop Carmin
Jodi, Tara and Amelia
Shelly and her mom

Gustavo (the groom) and Jeff, my brother
Me and Joe Murdock
After the 4th, we reverted back into wedding mode. The rest of the week was taken up with finding the appropriate undergarments for my bridesmaid dress, a bridal shower, rehearsal dinner, wedding reception prep and the wedding itself.
Amelia shows off her new undies and Las Vegas visor--a gift from her friend Marimed, a compatriot at med school.
Friday before the rehearsal dinner, Amelia got the flowers she ordered to the art gallery where the reception was to be held. We did preparations on the flowers that afternoon and moved onto the rehearsal dinner afterward.
The rehearsal dinner was held at Mori's, a Japanese restaurant near Coors Field. It's been a long-time hang-out and favorite New Year's Eve spot for our crew for years. Amelia asked everyone to dress in Japanese garb. Kristin (Amelia's mom) borrowed my kimono, and Amelia sported hers for the second time.
Gustavo and Amelia
Mori's bento. Sushi, tempura and steak. I took this picture to show people in Japan what "American" Japanese food looks like. It's basically the same thing. I lucked out by sitting across from Tara and Eric. Neither of them like sushi. I got extra.
And, in true Japanese style, after dinner we retreated to the bar for karaoke. Gustavo and Michael, Pui's husband, were some of the first to get up and croon.
Finally, the wedding day came. Amelia and Gustavo (hence forth known as "Melsavo") got hitched at the Denver Botanic Gardens, and had their reception at Gallery 1261 in downtown Denver. They were married on July 7th. That's right folks, probably one of the most popular days of the century to start a lifetime of wedded bliss: 07/07/07.
Wren and Amelia take a sip of tequila before the ceremony.
On the way to the ceremony.

The reception was great. We ate. We drank. We danced and we had a kick-ass time.