Never Enough Time
I'm still kicking.
I don't have the time to blog like I once did. It's a shame really. It's such a nice way to keep in touch with friends.
Yes... keeping in touch with friends. I've noticed that I've not had as much time to do that as I once did either. That really sucks.
My life is work, school, homework, sleep. That's about it. It's good though, because I'm studying really interesting things. This term I'm enrolled in Ethnic Conflict and Intercultural Communication--both very interesting courses.
I'll get a week break from classes in March. Then I'll be swallowed up again until summer. Oh, the insanity!
Here are some pictures from winter break. Enjoy!
An intense game of Pictionary at Ameila's house.
Tom visits. Beers at the Front Range Inn.